Monday, May 2, 2011

Weilands Art Fair

Weiland and I had a date tonight. We went to his Art Fair at school. He is an awesome artist!! I forgot my camera so I had to take pics with my phone. It was fun to have him show my his art and then to have dessert with him at his school. Hes such a sweet boy!! You can tell his teachers adore him. He gave each of them a huge hug! It was a very fun evening with my little man!!
Weiland drew a pic of himself. His was the closest to looking like a real person!

A cross mosiac made with an egg carton

A butterfly made with melted crayons and wax paper

Under the Sea

A Sea Horse made with bubble wrap

His own little aquarium

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Sam swearing in to the Wisconsin State Bar

Sam swearing in to the Wisconsin State Bar
This was a really neat experience. Sam got to go in front of the Supreme Court Judges and be sworn into the bar. It was kinda intimidating seeing all six judges up there. I would never want to be on trial with those six judges. The court room was awesome with all the beautiful artwork and it was great to see Sam accomplish what he had worked so hard for over the last three years!

Signing the Wisconsin Bar Book of Attorneys (I am not sure what they call it!)

Signing the Wisconsin Bar Book of Attorneys (I am not sure what they call it!)

Keely's First Day of Kindergarten

Keely's First Day of Kindergarten
Keely has been so ready to go to school since she was 18 months old. She is a brain just like her dad! She was very excited to get into her school clothes and had to have her scarf just so for her first day. She let me drive her the first day but would not let me walk her in. Now she rides the bus to and from school. I can't believe how independent she is. It is very cute to watch Weiland run to her at the end of the driveway and give her a kiss and hug goodbye. They are getting so big it amazes me everyday!! Sometimes its hard to get her to look at the camera. Some of the pics she is focusing on other things. It cracks me up!

My little Picasso

My little Picasso
Weiland was painting the other day and decided to have me paint on his body for him...we had a blast! My son is such a perfectionist that if I did not put it symmetrical to the other arm etc. he would get mad. He is such a character!!